Launched in June 2021, the HTC Vive pro 2 headset succeeds the Vive pro first of the name. Addressed to demanding players, professionals and the curious, this high-end headset designed by Vive offers very high performance for Virtual Reality. The VR36O team tells you everything there is to know about this headset and what innovations differentiate it from its predecessor.
The HTC Vive pro 2 Virtual Reality headset
The HTC Vive pro 2 headset is now available in stores. This is one of the biggest announcements made by Vive in 2021 with that of the release of the HTC Vive Focus 3. In addition to innovative technical qualities, the HTC Vive pro 2 uses the same outside-in tracking system as its predecessor, working with external base stations. This powerful VR headset promises impressive Virtual Reality experiences, suitable for all types of use.
Maximum immersion in VR
The first remarkable quality of the Vive pro 2 is found in its incredibly crisp and detailed graphics. Indeed, the Vive pro 2 displays images in 5k and with a refresh rate of 120 Hz. This major visual asset allows you to view graphically rich content and enjoy intense immersion. Added to this are certified Hi-Res (high resolution) headphones, which produce powerful and realistic 3D spatial sound.
A comfortable and adaptable helmet
The HTC Vive pro 2 headset has an adaptability that makes it accessible to everyone, regardless of body type. Starting with the interpupillary adjustment (IPD), which adjusts the distance between the lenses to help the eyes rest. It takes into account the distance from the center of the pupils of the eyes and is adjusted with a dial. Added to this is a 120 ° wide field of view (FOV), which promotes both eye comfort and immersion. As for the fit to the skull, it is balanced and made comfortable thanks to an ergonomic and adjustable design, which adapts to all types of skulls.
Vive accessories to complete the pro 2
In order to harness the full potential of the HTC Vive pro 2, a set of innovative accessories have been announced by Vive and are already available in stores. For example, with the Vive Facial Tracker, capture facial movements in great detail. Ultra precise, it captures the movement of the lips during a dialogue with even the slightest emotion of the face (laughter, tears, anger, etc.). The Vive tracker 3.0 is the third version of the external sensor for movement and integration of objects in VR. Smaller, lighter and more autonomous than its predecessor, the Tracker 3.0 is ideal for a deeper immersion experience with the HTC Vive pro 2. Another accessory of choice, the wireless adapter which allows you to gain more autonomy without be limited by cables.
The Advantage Enterprise pack for the Vive pro 2
In the Advantage Enterprise pack, the HTC Vive pro 2 is offered with benefits put in place to facilitate use by professionals. This formula is for companies that want to use a strong headset for a demanding project such as training, exams or events. The Advantage Enterprise pack guarantees you privileged access to after-sales and customer service. This allows you to protect yourself more quickly against risks and avoid unnecessary setbacks on your project. The pack also includes a commercial use license which allows you to operate the headset more freely.
The team's opinion
The HTC Vive pro 2 headset has lived up to our expectations by offering technical qualities much superior to the previous model. Its 5K screen, audio and adjustable comfort make it one of the most immersive VR headsets in this price range. This is why the VR360 team is happy to bring you the Vive pro 2 in their catalog. For more information regarding this product, please do not hesitate to contact us.